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New For 2020 Rainforest Land

Chessington World Of Adventures
Wednesday 15th January 2020

A new little land with some big adventures has been discovered at Chessington World of Adventures. Opening March 2020, Rainforest Land is a rethemed area containing three rides and a small selection of animals. Inspired by the park's work with the World Land Trust, The attractions within Rainforest Land are as follows:

River Rafts: Make a splash on a mini-log flume, River Rafts – watch out though for the cheeky chimps that live along the waterway! River Rafts is a new attraction for the resort and has been relocated from Weymouth Sea Life Center. The attraction is aimed towards a younger audience than what the park's pre-existing log flume is as the ride is expected to have a maximum height restriction of four meters, much as it did at Weymouth.

Jungle Rangers: Little explorers take the wheel on Jungle Rangers, a car ride where they navigate their vehicle along the trail, spotting creatures along the way. Jungle Rangers is a retheme of Toadie's Crazy Cars, which has been at the park since 1987. It is expected that the ride will be taking a slightly altered route to make it the central focal point of the area, as a consequence of this it also means the ride experience will also be slightly shorter.

Treetop Hoppers: Climb above the treetop canopy, bouncing up high on Treetop Hoppers, but be careful, what goes up... This ride has been at the park since 2001 and is a mini drop tower, this is not expected to move from its current location but is now being integrated within the rather fitting Rainforest Land as it's current theme will fit nicely within the new themed land.

"Perfect for families with kids in search of their first wild adventure, explore the rainforests of the world by road, taking the wheel on Jungle Rangers; by river, making a splash on mini-log flume, River Rafts, and from the treetop canopy, bouncing up high on Treetop Hoppers, all while spotting creatures including tortoises and capybaras, the world’s largest rodent”

The new area follows in the footsteps of Tiger Rock, An investment that saw the Oriental-themed area of the park, "Mystic East" revived for a newer generation of animal lovers with new animal enclosures and rethemes of the main attraction in the area, Dragon Falls, which became Tiger Falls.

A specific opening date has not yet been mentioned, except the already mentioned, March 2020 but as soon as this date is announced officially we will keep you informed.