This year, the Wild Witches of Adventure Point have conjured up a spell to awaken spooky creatures from around the park, bringing to life select areas from midday. Don't be scared of the troublesome trio, these Witches are friendly, performing on the stage in Adventure Point throughout the day join the Witches as they cast a spell over the park at midday and 10 minutes before closing time. Last year was the first time Chessington had ever done a flash mob at the start of the event at midday, this year the park has changed the storyline and almost doubled the actors.
This year rather than the actors from all of the scare zones just roaming around the area, you get more of the storyline and you understand that they are being controlled by the witches spell. During the entrance show, the 3 witches are on the stage cackling and casting a spell, with someone standing to the side explaining the story to guests. Towards the end of the day, the creatures of Chessington reassemble back in Adventure Point for one final flash mob where they again dance the night away, the witches call forward their creatures only to be spooked by The Curse Catchers who come just in the nick of time to save the day. If only they managed to get there earlier to stop the spell.