At Theme Park Guide, we proudly adhere to strict policies and practices with regards to the posting of content- both produced by us, and by external parties. We are committed to the accurate, ethical reporting of external information and all third party content.
Some of the content on our website has been posted by other sites in the past. As some of those sites have since shut down, we have made sure to contact all owners involved to seek permission for any copying, displaying, publishing, performing and reporting of that content. We only display content for which we have received full permission to use, and we do not display any unauthorized material.
If you see anything posted or reposted on the Theme Park Guide website that you would like to have removed, please do not hesitate to get in touch: contact us via the contact page.
We welcome any relevant contributions from our users, and if you believe that you can help us to enhance the usability and usefulness of our site, we’d love to hear from you. If you have any photographic or textual content that you would like to see added to our website, please feel free to contact us: our details can be found on the contact page.