Air Race
Air Race takes you on a thrilling ride that will leave your head spinning. Climb into a plane and take off on a mind-bending journey through the skies as you swoop and plunge, fly and race. But riders be warned - this isn't an adventure for the fainthearted!
As this thrilling ride spins, each plane performs its own white-knuckle loops that take you a full 360 degrees around, swinging you upside down and towards the ground. Your world will tilt and turn, the sky and the ground tumbling over as you chase the plane ahead. A constant favourite with the most adventurous riders, Air Race is an unmissable ride that lets you experience fantastic G-force and thrilling tilts and turns. You won't want to miss it!
Riders who brave Air Race will experience nearly 4g as they accelerate in their planes. The two simultaneous spinning motions produce a truly unique, mind-bending sensation that will disorientate the senses and delight the thrillseeker in everyone. If you think you've got what it takes, come and experience Air Race today.