Privacy Regulations General data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Effective May 25, 2018, the European Parliament entered into force the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. What is the GDPR?
The GDPR is the new sweeping European Union (EU) legislation that modernizes and reforms the laws that address the handling of personal data. It replaces the European Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) which was implemented inconsistently across Europe and did not have legislative authority.
What does this mean to me and TPG.
We want to fully protect your personal data. This means we will do our best to safeguard your given personal data, which is provided at registration and afterwards.
How does Theme Park Guide safeguard my data?
- Theme Park Guide uses the latest SSL technology to provide a safe login and use of the website.
- The website software is being kept up-to-date to prevent possible security issues.
Which information will TPG obtain from me?
To use a account at Theme Park Guide we will ask your for the following information:
-E-mail address.
-Display image / avatar
-Content you publish to the website.
Use of provided information by other parties:
Theme Park Guide will not provide your data to other parties, without your consent.
Google Data Processing Amendment.
Theme Park Guide uses Google Analytics to improve technical parts of the website. We use this anonymised data to check which parts and content of the website is used frequently, and which is not, to maintain clean, fast and healthy website. The provided Google Analytics data is as mentioned anonymised, no IP adresses are collected. Sharing of the data with third party (Google) parties, has been fully disabled. Tracking Google User ID's has been disabled. Google Remarketing has been disabled.
Use of Cookies at Theme Park Guide.
This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best possible user experience.
Without some of these cookies, the website simply would not work. Other cookies perform functions like recognizing you each time you visit the site or helping our team to understand which parts of the site you find most interesting and useful. We also use cookies to deliver advertising messages and offers on the website that are relevant to you.
The use of cookies by our partners, affiliates, tracking utility company, service providers is not covered by our privacy statement. We do not have access or control over these cookies. Our partners, affiliates, tracking utility company, service providers use session ID cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site.
How long will my information be stored by Google: 14 months
Google AdSense.
Why we use it: We use Google Ad Sense and Analytics technology, to offer advertisements. The ad-partners of Google, like DoubleClick for example, are placed so Google knows if the ad has been seen and/or it has been clicked. By using ads on Theme Park Guide, we are able to cover the costs of web hosting and material to maintain the current simulation and create new projects.
Where does it come from: This cookie originates from the Google webservers, located worldwide, depending on your geographical location.
How long will my information be stored by Google: 14 months
Google Analytics.
Why we use it: We use GA to view the visitors flow through the website, and check if there are not functioning pages, wrong redirects or other errors, which spoil your visit.
Where does it come from: This cookie originates from the Google webservers, located worldwide, depending on your geographical location.
How long will my information be stored by Google: 14 months
End your account.
You are able to disable and remove your Theme Park Guide account. Please send a e-mail to the webmaster e-mail, so we can remove your account and personal data. You are always welcome to obtain your stored personal data.