Trick or Treat Live is a brand new show for 2022, hosted on a temporary stage this show is hosted by Emily and Evie as they go on an adventure to help find sweets and chocolates as a grumpy old witch has hidden them all behind a spooky door in hopes of ruining Howl’o’ween for everyone!
Never fear Emily and Evie are strong and brave children who will stop at nothing! Adventuring into Carnivals, into "The Big Top", into a spooky graveyard and into a shop full of creepy dolls, these aren't your average kids. This year's Howl’o’ween show is fantastic and one of our favourite Howl’o’ween special shows we've ever seen.
After adventure through different coloured doors, the girls then turn to the audience and ask for their help to pick a coloured door, picking between the green or blue door it's up to one special guest to help save Howl’o’ween and any candy that might be hiding behind the doors.
Thankfully the right door is then picked and the door to Candyland is opened! Full of lots of sweet treats and cheerful characters the finale of the show begins. In the middle of a song big bags of candy suddenly appear with some of the dancers and characters walking into the audience giving out chocolate to everyone within reach. Get ready to catch as chocolate flies above your head!
We absolutely loved this year's Howl’o’ween show, we got worried when the stage had to be removed due to unknown reasons a few weeks ago. But this new temporary stage has worked really well! Featuring special effects, cool lighting, beautiful costumes and sharp dancing and singing this is a show not to be missed. There are no tricks only treats at Trick or Treat Live!