With the track and supports for Hyperia now complete, work has turned to more important parts for the rollercoaster such as. Installing fences around the area so the ride can be tested in the next few weeks. But a huge job that started today was the installation of the huge lift hill chain which began today!
The installation of the lift hill chain on rollercoasters is something that is hardly ever seen from a guest's perspective but today we manage to catch engineers and workers installing the massive lift hill chain for Hyperia. The chain is split into different sections and is assembled on-site. Lifted into place in sections, installing the lit hill chain is a long process. The chain is lifted to the top of the lift hill and fed downwards where gravity then takes over and feeds the rest of the system.
A long process but an exciting one! All of the chains can be pictured in crates on the floor near the new shop and photo unit.
Elsewhere across the construction site, fences are being installed. Three large pallets of fencing were delivered to the site during the evening today. And more gold theming is being added to the station! This time on the section where the train reenters the station from the break run.
We can't wait to see what the trains look like and for this ride to start testing.