Deliveries for Hyperia continue to arrive at Thorpe Park on what seems like a daily basis. Every few days Thorpe Park updates us on social media showing off new and exciting parts for the rollercoaster getting delivered. Yesterday the most exciting delivery so far was posted in the Annual Pass Group, the top and bottom of the lift hill have now been delivered.
With storage locations for Hyperia starting to burst at the seams with a huge amount of supports, metal work and track located on the island behind The Swarm. The park has now started to store parts for the new rollercoaster next to the staff car park. Huge sections of the lift hill, the top and base of the lift and a few sections of track are currently being stored next to the staff car park. Those lucky enough to park in the staff car park get a bird’s eye view of some of the parts for Hyperia. Also located in this storage location are more rollercoaster supports, the chain lift motor box, transfer track bases, the start of the lift hill stairs and sections of the break run catwalk.
It's amazing to see parts for Hyperia up close, it's hard to get the scale of these parts from photos but when you stand in front of the track and lift hill sections they are huge! It's going to be a busy few months installing Hyerpia but we can't wait to see it come to life.
Like a giant puzzle, each section of track and support has a unique code and part number so construction crews know what bit goes where. It's like a giant Lego or Meccano set.
Photos taken with permission and approval from Thorpe Park.