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July 2023 Construction Round Up Project Exodus

Thorpe Park
Saturday 15th July 2023

Project Exodus at Thorpe Park is progressing well with work on installing footers around the site continuing the drilling for support foundations almost coming to an end (in our best guess)

Over the past few weeks, the construction team have been hard at work drilling supports for the new rollercoaster. Starting towards the back of the site the drill can now be seen at the front where the train will leave the station and climb up the 236ft lift hill.

Footers/ground pins can be seen all around the site, with a few stacked up near the old Loggers Leap second lift hill area. Lots of rebar boxes have been made over the past 2 weeks and are waiting to be installed to then have concrete poured into them to form foundations for the new rollercoaster.

With the temporary fence pushed back we can get a slightly better view of the construction site.  Although nothing has gone vertical yet it's exciting to see this area receive so much work. It shouldn't be long until drilling for foundations are complete and the track starts being shipped and arrives at the park.

The huge new wall near the Samurai exit still sits plain and boring, how much longer will it be until we start to see some new marketing for this new ride?!

Project Exodus is starting to get exciting!