Chessington is preparing for its biggest season in a long time, with the opening of World of Jumanji opening on May 15th and the theme park reopening Thursday 23rd March.
Since our last look at the World Of Jumunji during the meet the maker tour, lots has changed including the installation of the mandril heads on the trains, more theming has been installed, and a jeep has been installed. A huge entrance feature for Mandril Mayhems queue line has been installed, including posts for the queue line for the rollercoaster. Unforcetnly we didn't we get to see the ride testing on Sunday but the site was definitely alive with workers checking the launch fins on the second launch near the jaguar theming element.
With the opening date for World Of Jumanji now announced signage around the park has also been updated.
In the areas open to the public during the zoo days, we've noticed lots have changed to improve the appearance of the park. Including new signage on the entrance archway into the park, the entrance plaza has also been re-pathed along with a lick of paint and some dark green animals added to buildings. The dount shop as you exit the park has also been given a lick of paint over the past few weeks.
Over at the mini stage, a new animal topiary is being installed along with the flooring for the show venue being replaced. In Shipwrecked Coast, sea storm is still in the process of being put back together, and the foundations for Trawler Trouble are still being remade. The boat and ride mechanics can still be seen sitting in the courtyard near The Gruffalo.
Inside Adventure Point the compass in the middle of the area has been updated with World Of Junaji added to it along with Shipwrecked Coast which was new for 2022. The sweet shop is also having work done to it with a new patio area being built, is this the end of Ben and Jerry's for Chessington? New signage can also be seen advertising Coke freestyle refill stations being based inside the sweet shop. During our adventures, we managed to fine a refill station near Croc Drop, Room on the broom and the sweet shop. There will of course be more locations around the park.
The old Chessington water wheel has also been replaced during the closed season. Rocks around the area have now been repainted to fit in, it won't be long until this pond is filled up again and the water wheel is once again working.
Tiny Truckers has been put back together, with a Mack Rides box spotted in the window. The painting of Dragons Fury looks to have finished, with a grey section still left above Tiny Truckers.
The mane stage has received a new green sign and banners have been added to the stage for one of the shows performed daily.
Work on Dragons Fury continues with the cars for the ride spotted around the area. With some wrapped up and one is on the track ready for testing. The old maintenance shed for the ride has also been replaced with a huge new purpose-built maintenance building. All is still work in progress but it should be finished by opening day.
Tiger Rock has finished its closed-season maintenance with the trough and lake refilled. The ride was also seen testing throughout our visit, no guests yet but it won't be long now.
In Wild Asia, it looks like the Banyan tree in the centre has had some work done to it. The entranceway into the area also still remains under scaffolding. No news on what they are doing but during the meet-the-maker tour a few weeks ago the structure was just steel. So it could be a complete rebuild?
It won't be long until Chessington reopens! And we can't wait to see all of the changes that have happened around the park.